Neurorestore (2 Flavours)
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Products and Functional Property
Energy Drink
珊力® (Morforsatos®): Provide Long lasting energy during exercise, Ingredient provide protection against coronaviruses
安回® (Anaplaiosi ®) : Reduce after workout recovery time
Brain Supplement
antioxidant, Neuroprotectant protection, Neuroprotectant, Anti-inflammation, improving cerebral blood flow & neurotransmission
Cell membrane repair, Mitochondria restoration, Promotes Neurostem cells activation; Anti-cell aging; Promotes Neurostem cells activation/ anti-neuroinflammation, Resets Brain metabolism, Regulates immune response andreducesneuroinflammation, Fights anti-inflammation & autoimmunity
Athlete Performance Evaluation
There is no 2 athletes have identical training stress tolerance and recovery speed etc. thus the concept of “precision training”
Our scientist identified that skeletal muscle –specific proteins such as myoglobin or troponin (muscle biomarkers)
Product Description
ELISA kit reagents for advance analysis athlete Performance Evaluation.
Unique features and benefits:
GAPE diagnostic Kits provide quick performance evaluation to the athletes during training & competition.
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